Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Inventing Your Own Workout

You know how you go to the gym and everybody does the same workout like "the bench" and "the lat-pull". You know the truth is that workouts have hardly been experimented with that could possibly yield better results than the traditional ones . People figure, " well we better stick with this, at least we know it'll put some meat on us, or help us loose fat". To me the idea of a workout plan is pathetic. Humans used to live on the land. We lived in the wilderness. We were wild, and on average a hell of a lot stronger than modern day weight trainers. The idea that the way society is set up causes us to barely move and have machines do all of our work, forcing us to actually come up with a plan to move so we can maintain a reasonable amount of strength, is pathetic. Even still we on average aren't nearly as strong as we once were. Yes it is pathetic, but it is reality. So why not make it as close to what we did in the past as possible? Its something that most of us can never control to and ideal point, much like most of us cant avoid eating synthetic, processed, chemical laden food, but we can control some of it, and the best thing is, you can invent a workout that is unique as your survival needs. What do you think people did in the past. People who farmed were in farming shape, and strong at it. People who hunted were in hunting shape, and were good at it. I'm into wilderness survival, combat, and physical labor. I simulate much harder versions of the motions that i need to be good at, and I slowly become in whatever type of shape i need t be for my unique environment. You can do this too, but there are some formulas and rules that you need to know before inventing your own exercise.


1) whatever you put into your body is what you ll get out of it-not only does this apply to food, but training. Its common knowledge. If you do curls all the time that's what you'll be good at.

2) form will shape your body and or hurt your body depending on how correct it is- this is almost the same as #1. If you slouch while you work out , or make jerky motions, or put unnecessary strain on your back or shoulders, you will degrade them too much.

3) Diet is as unique as training- know what resources your body is using up in your training program, and replace the resource(s) with more than you lost. Be detailed. This calls for you to have basic health knowledge

4)If you want to get stronger you need to intensify the training periodically, or change things up- this is a "no duh" statement. Your body works by healing the damage you put on it and growing the tissues back stronger. So workouts progressively become easier and easier and lose their affect.

5) The more intense your training becomes, the more resources you will drain in one sitting,therefore, as you progressively work spend more resource, so should you progressively increase the intake of those resources- the more advanced you become the more you should eat! Good news for our chubby friends huh?! ( just a joke if your chubby cut back first then eat more than average after you have shaved off the extra blubber!)

6) Never let yourself get bored- If your tired of doing a particular exercise, make another one up of equal intensity that targets the same area of strength. Shaking it up will also stimulate you to become stronger because your body is trying to be ready for anything.

A lot of this is just common sense I'm just trying to remind you about it. The last and final rule is try anything you can think of, you just might unlock that unique point in your body that makes your fitness levels explode. No matter how stupid it looks. Chances are the stupider it looks, the better it works, and that's personal experience talking. OK now go invent a new method of training. BYE!

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